PinnedThe good, the bad and the effectual: From cost-efficiency to cause-effectiveness in the fight…In my last blog post, I made the case for making the ‘fight against malaria’ a key global priority, even in troubled times. Generally, it…Feb 21, 2024Feb 21, 2024
PinnedCan we highten the global income level curve?The world economy is characterized by a wide and in most respects, widening income inequality. While the global mean income level has…Feb 8, 2021Feb 8, 2021
Trump’s triumph, democracy’s downturnWhat Trump’s election teaches us about safeguarding democraciesNov 10, 2024Nov 10, 2024
R.I.P. Green Deal — en nekrologNår Europaparlamentets nye medlemmer (MEPs) inntar setene sine over sommeren vil mer handle om å øke produksjonen, og mindre om å kutte…Jun 13, 2024Jun 13, 2024
Mission Possible: End MalariaIn troubled times like today, ridden by international conflict, inter-group hatred and multilateral disorder, some of the first lessons…Feb 8, 20241Feb 8, 20241
På tide å ruste opp den grønne statsstøtten!Hvordan børster vi støv av det gamle, grå virkemiddelapparatet, sørger for at det sender riktig signal, og er innstilt for en sirkulær…Oct 31, 2023Oct 31, 2023
Et annet valg er mulig.«You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain» — Harvey Dent, District Autorney, Gotham CitySep 11, 2023Sep 11, 2023
Slava Ukraini!Det er fortsatt utenkelig: Krig i Europa. 6 måneder har nå gått. Her er hva vi kan gjøre, fra et norsk perspektiv.Aug 26, 2022Aug 26, 2022
Circular realities pt 2: An Economy must learn from its ecologyEconomists need to develop a new vocabulary to explain how the economy can operate within boundaries of Earth.May 28, 2021May 28, 2021
Circular realities: Shaping strategies for the circular economy (pt. 1)A circular economy strategy starts by acknowledging that every natural resource is scarce (yet regenerative).May 27, 2021May 27, 2021